

使用PHP反射机制来构造"CREATE TABLE"的sql语句

更新时间:2020-04-03 20:07:14 作者:startmvc





下面的程序使用Reflection来构造"CREATE TABLE"的sql语句。如果你不是很熟悉反射机制,可以从这个程序中看看反射的魅力与作用。

 * Creates an SQL 'Create Table' based upon an entity
 * @author Chris Tankersley <>
 * @copyright 2010 Chris Tankersley
 * @package PhpORM_Cli
class PhpORM_Cli_GenerateSql
 * Use a MySQL database
 const MYSQL = 'mysql';
 * Use a SQLite database
 const SQLITE = 'sqlite';
 * Types that are allowed to have a length
 * @var array
 protected $_hasLength = array('integer', 'varchar');
 * Regexes needed to pull out the different comments
 * @var array
 protected $_regexes = array(
 'type' => '/ type=([a-z_]*) /',
 'length' => '/ length=([0-9]*) /',
 'default' => '/ default="(.*)" /',
 'null' => '/ null /',
 * Types that we support
 * @var array
 protected $_validTypes = array(
 'boolean' => 'BOOL',
 'date' => 'DATE',
 'integer' => 'INT',
 'primary_autoincrement' => 'INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY',
 'text' => 'TEXT',
 'timestamp' => 'TIMESTAMP',
 'varchar' => 'VARCHAR',
 * Name of the class we will interperet
 * @var string
 protected $_className;
 * Name of the table we are generating
 * @var string
 protected $_tableName;
 * The type of database we are generating
 * @var string
 protected $_type;
 * Sets the name of the class we are working with
 * @param string $class
 * @param string $table_name
 * @param string $type
 public function __construct($class, $table_name, $type = self::MYSQL)
 $this->_className = $class;
 $this->_tableName = $table_name;
 $this->_type = $type;
 * Builds an SQL Line for a property
 * @param ReflectionProperty $property
 * @return string
 protected function _getDefinition($property)
 $type = '';
 $length = '';
 $null = '';
 preg_match($this->_regexes['type'], $property->getDocComment(), $matches);
 if(count($matches) == 2) {
 if(array_key_exists($matches[1], $this->_validTypes)) {
 $type = $this->_validTypes[$matches[1]];
 if(in_array($matches[1], $this->_hasLength)) {
 $length = $this->_getLength($property);
 if($matches[1] != 'primary_autoincrement') {
 $null = $this->_getNull($property);
 $sql = '`'.$property->getName().'` '.$type.' '.$length.' '.$null;
 return $sql;
 } else {
 throw new Exception('Type "'.$matches[1].'" is not a supported SQL type');
 } else {
 throw new Exception('Found '.count($matches).' when checking Type for property '.$property->getName());
 * Extracts the Length from a property
 * @param ReflectionProperty $property
 * @return string
 protected function _getLength($property)
 preg_match($this->_regexes['length'], $property->getDocComment(), $matches);
 if(count($matches) == 2) {
 return '('.$matches[1].')';
 } else {
 return '';
 * Determines if a Property is allowed to be null
 * @param ReflectionProperty $property
 * @return string
 protected function _getNull($property)
 preg_match($this->_regexes['null'], $property->getDocComment(), $matches);
 if(count($matches) == 1) {
 return 'NULL';
 } else {
 return 'NOT NULL';
 * Generates a block of SQL to create a table from an Entity
 * @return string
 public function getSql()
 $class = new ReflectionClass($this->_className);
 $definitions = array();
 foreach($class->getProperties() as $property) {
 if(strpos($property->getName(), '_') === false) {
 $definitions[] = $this->_getDefinition($property);
 $columns = implode(",n", $definitions);
 $sql = "CREATE TABLE ".$this->_tableName." (".$columns.")";
 if($this->_type == self::MYSQL) {
 $sql .= " ENGINE=MYISAM";
 return $sql.";";



用反射来生成sql的create语句 使用reflection来构造