

Python3 XML 获取雅虎天气的实现方法

更新时间:2020-05-20 19:30:01 作者:startmvc

参考廖雪峰的Python教程,实现Linux Python3获取雅虎天气

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding: utf-8
import os
from datetime import datetime
from urllib import request 
from xml.parsers.expat import ParserCreate 
file_name = "weather.txt"
for root, dirs, files in os.walk("."):
 if file_name in files:
 os.remove(os.path.join(root, file_name))
def yahoo_weather(data):
 flag = False
 weather = {"city": "", "pubdate": "", "forecast": []}
 def start_element(name, attrs):
 if name == "yweather:location":
 weather["city"] = weather["city"] + attrs["city"]
 weather["city"] = weather["city"] + " " + attrs["country"]
 if name == "yweather:forecast":
 forecast = {}
 forecast["date"] = attrs["date"]
 forecast["day"] = attrs["day"]
 forecast["high"] = attrs["high"]
 forecast["low"] = attrs["low"]
 forecast["text"] = attrs["text"]
 if name == "pubDate":
 nonlocal flag
 flag = True
 def char_data(text):
 nonlocal flag
 if flag:
 weather["pubdate"] = text
 flag = False
 parser = ParserCreate()
 parser.StartElementHandler = start_element
 parser.CharacterDataHandler = char_data
 return weather
def print_weather(weather):
 with open(file_name, "a") as f:
 s = "City: %s\nPub date: %s" %(weather["city"], weather["pubdate"])
 print("%s" %(weather["city"]))
 f.write(s + "\n")
 for forecast in weather["forecast"]:
 date = datetime.strptime(forecast["date"], "%d %b %Y").strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
 s = "Date: %s High: %s Low: %s Weather: %s" %(date, forecast["high"], forecast["low"], forecast["text"])
 f.write(s + "\n")
citys = ["2151330", "2151849", "44418", "615702", "2514815"]
for city in citys:
 url = "*%20from%20weather.forecast%20where%20woeid%20%3D%20"
 url = url + city
 url = url + "&format=xml"
 with request.urlopen(url, timeout=4) as f:
 weather = yahoo_weather(
print("weather conditions has written to %s" %(file_name))

以上这篇Python3 XML 获取雅虎天气的实现方法就是小编分享给大家的全部内容了,希望能给大家一个参考,也希望大家多多支持脚本之家。

Python3 XML 雅虎天气